TF1: Managing Web and Cloud QoE
Name | Managing Web and Cloud QoE |
Leader | Raimund Schatz, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Lea Skorin-Kapov, University of Zagreb, Tobias Hoßfeld, University of Würzburg, |
Objectives | The goal of this WG1 task force is to improve the understanding and management of the Quality of Experience of Web and Cloud services along the entire provisioning-delivery chain. To this end, the taskforce will work towards bringing the more user-oriented and abstract aspects of QoE as understood by the Qualinet community to the practical applications envisioned by the QoS community, in particular those related to cross-layer QoE monitoring and management. Likewise, it will encourage the consideration of the practical aspects of QoE modeling by the Qualinet community, in order to achieve workable QoE models that can be applied in real-life scenarios and Web/Cloud applications interesting for network and content providers. |
Deliverables | – Identification of different QoE optimization strategies and corresponding deployment challenges – QoE models and QoE assessment approaches for OTT content delivery, interactive Web applications and cloud service provisioning – Evaluation of influence factors and adaption strategies for HAS (HTTP adaptive streaming)Applications of QoE models in large scale networks analytics and cross-layer management – Mechanisms for integrating QoE models into cross-layer network/application management schemes – Initiate & Participate in joint SPEC & Qualinet research group with open meetings, focusing on QoE metrics and models towards QoE monitoring and management – Build a strong QoE & Networking Community. |
How to join | E-mail reflector: Wiki page: In order to get access to the Qualinet Wiki Pages, please contact Tobias Hoßfeld. In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to and follow the steps of the e-mail being received. The instructions can also be found at |
TF2: Gaming
Task Force | |
Name | Gaming |
Leader | Sebastian Egger, Austrian Institute of Technology , Steven Schmidt, |
Objectives | – To define QoE in gaming, – to identify the scientific challenges and problems for QoE assessment of gaming, – to define quality aspects, influence factors and performance indicators for computer gaming QoE, – to derive subjective testing methodologies and setups for different quality aspects of gaming QoE and different gaming genres, – to create an overview of classical QoE assessment approaches (video, audio, web) and how they can contribute to QoE assessment of gaming methodologies, – to study the impact of network characteristics on gaming QoE in a cloud gaming scenario, – to propose models for predicting QoE on the basis of measurable characteristics of game, platform, transmission channel and user interface, – to create an overview of existing work from other fields such as HCI that is relevant for gaming QoE research. As a result, a common roadmap for this task force is envisioned and joint activities among the members of Qualinet are to be stimulated. |
Deliverables | Datasets on gaming QoE (WG4)Cloud gaming framework with parameter setsITU-T Recommendation on subjective evaluation methods influence factors, and gaming QoE models |
How to join | E-mail reflector: Wiki page: In order to get access to the Qualinet Wiki Pages, please contact Tobias Hossfeld. In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to and follow the steps of the e-mail being received. The instructions can also be found at |
TF3: Quality assessment of imagery for machine integration purposes
Name | Quality assessment of imagery for machine integration purposes |
Leader | Ofer Hadar, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, |
Objectives | – To identify use-cases (Medical imaging, Digital Holography (complex-valued, phase unwrapping etc), Compressed domain computer vision, Quality assessment of image restoration (GAN-based, etc.)). – To build a taxonomy for the domainTo collect info on ongoing research – To identify the requirements for the training & test data and quality assessment procedures – To identify and collect training & test data – To find potential problems (data quality, data sensitivity of measurement procedures, data volume, data labelling (crowdsourcing, etc.), data bias, data cleansing, data set integration) |
How to join | E-mail reflector: In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to and follow the steps of the e-mail being received. The instructions can also be found at |
TF4: Qualinet Databases
Name | QUALINET Databases – Dissemination and Standardization |
Leader | Karel Fliegel, Czech Technical University in Prague, Lukas Krasula, Netflix, Los Gatos, USA, Werner Robitza, TU Ilmenau, |
Objectives | The main objective of the TF is to ensure the sustainability of QUALINET DBs. The legacy platform (2012-2020) available from the Czech Technical University in Prague has been replaced with a new future-proof, open-source, GIT-based platform ( and ( The visibility of the QUALINET DBs will be increased through proper dissemination and standardization activities. Dissemination activities are already established within the dataset tracks of QoMEX and MMSys conferences. A similar model of cooperation will be supported by the TF in the case of other suitable events. The TF will provide updated materials (e.g. leaflet, database description, presentation) and make them available at QUALINET DBs website. The TF will continue with dissemination also through other channels, such as various email reflectors and social networks. Broad participation of all QUALINET partners in this dissemination effort is expected. Regarding standardization activities, the objective of this TF is to support joint efforts of QUALINET partners interested in standardization of their datasets within suitable standardization bodies. Mandates: – Ensure sustainability of the QUALINET DBs – Implementation and maintenance of a new open-source online platform for QUALINET DBs – Strengthening dissemination efforts at suitable events through already established and new initiatives – Regular updates on new datasets available within QUALINET DBs – Creation and update of promotional materials on QUALINET DBs – Support joint efforts of QUALINET partners interested in the standardization of their datasets |
How to join | E-mail reflector: To subscribe, send email to The instructions can also be found at |
TF5: Crowdsourcing
Name | Crowdsourcing |
Leader | Matthias Hirth, TU Ilmenau, |
Objectives | The goal of this task force is: – to identify the scientific challenges for QoE assessment via crowdsourcing but and also its strengths and benefits, – to derive a methodology and setup for crowdsourcing in QoE assessment including statistical approaches for proper analysis, – to compare crowdsourcing QoE assessment approach with usual“lab” methodologies and to analyze the impact of the crowdsourcing related factors, to analyze for which use cases crowdsourcing is appropriate or provides complementary results, – to provide recommendations and best practices from own experiences and crowdsourcing experiments including practical issues in implementing, – to get to know the people that accept and perform the jobs, their motivation, or the working environment, to consider and improve crowdsourcing mechanisms for the CS users, – to transfer best practices from crowdsourcing studies to remote studies with known participants, – to contribute in standardization activities in ITU-T namely P.808, P.CrowdV and P.CrowdG, by providing best practices and also evaluation of future recommendations. |
How to join | E-mail reflector: Wiki page: In order to get access to the Qualinet Wiki Pages or the web discussion forum, please contact Matthias Hirth ( In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to and follow the steps of the e-mail being received. The instructions can also be found |
Name | JQVIIG – Joint Qualinet-VQEG-ITU Interest Group |
Leader | Chairs: Kjell Brunnström, RISE,, Alexander Raake, TU-Ilmenau, Vice chairs: Jesús Gutiérrez,, Lukas Krasula, Netflix,, Christian Timmerer, UNIKLU, |
Objectives | To uphold the liaison relation with VQEG, inform both QUALINET and VQEG on the activities in respective organization, especially on the topic of immersive media, and promote collaborations on other topics i.e. form new joint teamsTo uphold the liaison relation with ITU-T SG12, in particular on topics around interactive, augmented and virtual reality QoE. |
How to join | E-mail reflector: In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to and follow the steps of the e-mail being received. The instructions can also be found |
TF7: Immersive Media Experiences (IMEx)
Name | Immersive Media Experiences (IMEx) |
Leaders | Asim Hameed, NTNU, Amirpourazarian, Hadi Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Maria Torres Vega UGent-imec Irene Viola, CWI, |
Objectives | Immersive media applications are entering our daily lives starting from VR/AR/360° video applications to multi-sensory/multimedia experiences potentially addressing all human senses rather than focusing on hearing and seeing. The overall goal of providing Immersive Media Experiences (IMEx) to end-users is giving them the sensation of being part of the particular media which shall result in a worthwhile, informative user and quality of experience. The actual objectives of this task force are as follows: – disseminating the white paper – working towards submission of the extended version – Editors – Katrien De Moor – Sebastian Egger-Lampl – Alexander Raake – liaison with other communities (UX, sensory sciences) and standards developing organizations (JPEG, MPEG, EBU) – Identification of different QoE aspects of immersive experiences – QoE models and QoE assessment approaches for immersive experiences, addressing various audiovisual modalities; e.g. HDR, omnidirectional video, light fields, point clouds and spatial audio. |
Deliverables | – datasets, tools (sw&hw), subjective quality evaluations, field studies, cross-validation including a strong theoretical foundation relevant along the empirical databases and tools – framework, methodology, and best practices for immersive media experiences – joint dissemination and funding where applicable |
How to join | E-mail reflector: In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to and follow the steps of the e-mail being received. The instructions can also be found under |
TF8: Future directions in Qualinet
Name | Future directions in Qualinet |
Leaders | Luigi Atzori, Markus Fiedler, |
Objectives | The goal of this task force is to look into new areas for Qualinet and bring in new communities and expertise in areas that are important for Qualinet.Seek funding opportunities. |
Deliverables | – Report on the new communities to liaison with – Report on funding opportunities, with particular reference to projects based on online meeting and collaborations – Report on actions taken with respect to the presented plan |
How to join | E-mail reflector: In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to futuredirections.qualinet-subscribe@listes.epfl.chand follow the steps of the e-mail being received. The instructions can also be found under |
TF9: Qualinet new website and document register
Name | Qualinet new website and document register |
Leaders | Michela Testolina, EPFL, Davi Lazzarotto, EPFL, |
Objectives | The goal of this task force is to improve the Qualinet website and document register and report for the 16th GA |
Deliverables | – Improve the website structure – Improve document register functionalities – Update the content of the web site |
How to join | E-mail reflector: In order to subscribe to the mailing list, you simply have to send an (empty) email to and follow the steps of the e-mail being received. |