1. Calls for STSM proposals
The STSM proposals shall be made to the STSM coordination. Typically, these calls will be evaluated and
subject to approval within six weeks.
2. Format
2.1. The proposals shall follow the standard request format required by the COST office for STSM proposals.
Please note that the updated link to the online STSM registration form is https://e-services.cost.eu/stsm
2.2. Each proposal should be accompanied by a recommendation letter from both the home and the
visited organization detailing the importance and relevance of the proposed project for the collaboration
of both institutions as well as for the QUALINET Action. A motivation letter and any other document
considered pertinent, should be added by the proponent.
2.3 The proposal documents shall define a working program and the Working Groups that will benefit with
the STSM, to provide the means for a proper evaluation.
3. Evaluation
3.1. The proposals will be evaluated by the STSM coordinators and if considered necessary by an external
reviewer.. The external reviewer will be chosen by the STSM coordinators among the partners of the
COST action who are not involved in any of the STSM proposals and will provide a declaration concerning
potential conflicts of interest, if considered necessary.
3.2. The proposals shall be send for the WG leaders, so they can express the significance of the STSM to
the respective WGs activities.
3.3. The proposals will be evaluated according to the quality and relevance of the proposed research, the
created synergies between the institutions, and the expected contribution to the Action as a whole.
3.4. A final grading value will be assigned to each proposal by the STSM coordinators together with the
external reviewer within one month.
4. Approval
4.1. The final ranking will be submitted to the Action Chair that shall propose the STSM list according to
the available funding for MC approval.
4.2. If no MC meeting is planned between the proposal and the start of the STSM, the MC may also be
asked for approval by email.
5. Reporting
5.1. The reporting follows the standard format requested by the COST office. A copy of the STSM report
shall be forwarded to the STSM coordinators.
5.2. A brief presentation about the STSM activity is expected to be delivered during (one of) the following
MC meeting(s).