
The mission of Qualinet is to create a network for multidisciplinary QoE research in Europe by :

  • Strengthening the dissemination efforts through already established, and new initiatives (QoMEX, special events, books, journals, …)
  • Strengthening interaction between academia and industry (industrial forum, STSM, …)
  • Strengthening educational efforts in QoE (summer schools, Ph.D. events, exchange of young researchers with STSM, …)
  • Coordinated contribution to international standards (ISO, ITU-T, VQEG, …)
  • Coordination between multimedia evaluation laboratory clusters at partner premises (cross-validation, reference laboratories…)
  • Study and initiation of certification mechanisms for multimedia products and services (pilot projects with industrial partners, …)
  • Creation of a sustainable QUALINET beyond the period of funding